Senin, 09 Maret 2009

just a little

There's so much craziness surrounding me
There's so much going on, it gets hard to breathe
When all my faith has gone, you bring it back to me
When I'm not sure of my priorities
When I've lost site of where I'm ment to be
Like holy water washing over me
And I'm running to you baby
You are the only one who saved me
That's why I've been missing you lately
'Cause you make it real for me
When my head is strong but my heart is weak
I'm full of arrogance and uncertainty
When I can't find the words you teach my heart to speak
You make it real for me yeah

And I'm running to you baby
'Cause you are the only one who'd save me
That's why I've been missing you lately
'Cause you make it real for me
Everybody's talking in words I don't understand
You got to be the only one who knows just who I am
You're shining in the distance
I hope I can make it through
Cause the only place that I want to be
Is right back home with you
I guess there's so much more I have to learn
But if you're here with me I know which way to turn
You always give me somewhere, Somewhere I can run

And I'm running to you baby
'Cause you are the only one who'd save me
That's why I've been missing you lately
Cause you make it real for me
You make it real for me

That's why I've been missing you lately , why?
susah buat gue jelasin , baru gue sadar juga arti nya buat gue sekarang
dan gue ga tau gmn harus jalanin nya
yang buat gue nyata bisa buat gue ketawa bisa buat gue jengkel bahkan
sama waktu dan lama nya nggak ketemu
dan sekarang dia dateng lagi yang nggak pernah gue sangka sekalipun
yang ngebuat gue streess berminggu2 nggak jelas cuma gara2 ini haha nggak penting juga sih
yang baru pertama kalinya gue tau gue bakal ga bisa lupa sampe segede apa pun gue
yang bikin gue ngayal tinggi bahkan berhenti mikir tentang apa pun
dan yang paling parah adalah yang bisa bikin gue jadi nggak penting kaya gini

"make me heartless for a long time"

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